ISSUE NO. 80, SUMMER, 2017/18
JAPE NO. 69, WINTER 2012
01 Editorial: What’s Wrong with Economics? // Frank Stilwell
02 The Intellectual Isolation of Mainstream Economics // Tim B. Thornton
03 What is Wrong with Modern Economics, and Why does it Stay Wrong? // Tony Lawson
04 Reflections on Neoclassical Theory and the Philosophy of Science // Andrés Blanco
05 Taking the Red or Blue pill? // Yanis Varoufakis
07 The Subjectification of Homo Economicus in Behavioural Economics // David Primrose
09 Macroeconometrics: Statistical Alchemy at the Final Stage // Samuel Meng
12 Classical Political Economy Resurgent // Susan K. Schroeder
13 The Post-Keynesian Alternative // Geoff Dow
14 Capital and Contradictions // Frank Stilwell
15 The Four Horsemen of the Global Financial Crisis // John Quiggin